Saturday, June 25, 2011

Big Bear Kenda Cup #7

Hey Guys

sorry its taken so long to get this post up.... there's very little internet here at Mt. Morris in Wisconsin.

I'll just do a super quick post before heading off to bed before tomorrows race!

My stay was absolutely amazing. The people that hosted me were all so amazing!! They truely made my experience an extremely memorable one! I met some amazing people while there, and made some awesome friends. A huge thanks needs to go to both the Romero family and the Williams family!! You Guys all rock!!

Now onto the race.... wow, was it tough.. The build up to the race was perfect, although I'm training for World Championships later this year. Race day came around, and even with the tough weeks training my legs still felt really up to the challenge. My lungs were slightly more used to the altitude.

Unfortunately I was plagued with 2 punctures and a super gnarly bee sting inside my mouth during the race. I dropped from the lead bunch to around 9th. After being pushed to the absolute limit of what would be a "bad race" , I managed to get my head around the technicalities and faught back to a 4th in the Pro/Elite men.

I'm now prepping for tomorrows UCI Cat 1 XCO here in Mt Morris! Junior XCO start at 11:00, and I will then be racing Pro STXC (short Track) at 14:00 on Sunday. (all US Time - 6hrs behind)

Will get photos up of my travels ASAP!

Go fast, Take Chances! (Paul Romero)

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