Friday, March 18, 2011

Living the Dream....

This is where I truely managed to get a feel of the life as a professional Athlete. Although training was harder than ever, it was just amazing to be exploring new roads and training grounds in the process.

Like I said...After the HP camp I pretty much carried on with my major prep for the South African Championships which were fast approaching, only 2 weeks away. I had taken over the house of good friend James Reid, along with his girlfriend Candice Neethling.

The week of training in Cape Town went fairly well... we had a few very scenic rides around what is currently the Argus route, on some of the most amazing roads I've ever ridden. The passes and roads that we found ourselves on would fool you into believing you were riding right through a little village in the middle of Italy.

Having never been able to stay in Cape Town long enough to actually see any of the major attractions, I jumped at the opportunity to explore the different markets, beaches and scenery that surround the city.

The time at James' place was always very chilled, never feeling stressed out or unwelcome. The hospitality of James' parents was unbelievable. To put up with one cyclist is ridiculous, but to put up with three??!!!! A massive thank you to Steve and Janet for an awesome stay as well as James' older brother, Luke for putting us up in his room.

(good ride up chappies with the boys, and girl, after the HP camp)

(one of my all time favourite rides-Red Hill, 6 switch backs leading up, and out of Simonstown)

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